
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Hiking In Park City

I went to Smith's to pick up some groceries and they had the most BEAUTIFUL flowers! I wanted to buy them, but as you can see they cost $30 and I just don't have that kind of green to buy petals. So I took pictures of them instead! I absolutely love the color of them!

 Last weekend, J and I took Captain for a hike on a trail near Park City. Now I may not be a camper, but I AM a hiker. I like being outdoors in small doses. As long as there is a promise of a shower and the comfort of my bed in the near future, I don't mind being outside in God's beauty.
 Captain had a great time. We got him nice and tuckered out.
 On our way up the mountain.

 My new shades.

 It's hard to tell but the mountain had some yellow and purple flowers and in a couple of weeks it's going to look even more incredible!

 Siblings. Brother and sister. Best friends. Hiking companions. Buddies. Mentor/student. Lots of love happening in this photo.

 This open area and those purple flowers made me think of Edward and Bella's meadow.

This is where trees go to die. Tree Trunk Graveyard.
Susan"I'm more of a GLAMper"B.

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