
Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Lord Help Us All

A letter to the leader of your country.

I am not a political person. Meaning, I don't sit around and discuss the current state of government affairs. For one, I'm not that smart when it comes to politics and second, I don't want everyone jumping down my throat, telling me what to believe is right and wrong. I vote. Every election. It is my privilege as a citizen in this country. I research before and I vote how I see fit.

Today's letter is to the leader of my country. Since we are so close to inauguration day I have chosen to address Donald Trump.

Dear Trump,

It is my belief that the 2016 election inflicted an ulcer inside my belly. I am not a "Trump supporter". I am not "with her" either. From the day I learned that the two candidates would be you and Hillary I started to feel sick to my stomach. I absolutely could not stand to think about who I was going to vote for. I would rather live in Canada than have either of you yahoos in the White House. I did, in fact, apply to several positions back in London in a attempt to escape this governmental circus. But alas, America voted and in less than 10 days you will assume the nations highest office.

I'm scared. I'm scared for women and their right to decided what to do with their body. I'm scared for the millions of immigrants who escaped unthinkable living conditions and sought refugee in a country that could help. I'm scared for freedom of expression and the war it will bring about if you alter our constitutional rights. I am scared for just about everything that you stand for.

For the next four years I will pray. Everyday I will pray that if there is a small scrap of dignity hiding underneath your bleach blond coiffed hair, that you will confer and draw inspiration from it. The world has developed into an ugly place. School/airport/church shootings, terrorist, Kanye West, national disasters, hate, hate crimes, religious hate and on and on. Instead of adding to the destruction and negativity, please, for the love of all that is good and holy, attempt to make this nation better.

If you should fail at doing so. I will not fall in line. I will continue to raise up and support my fellow men and women in this nation. I will make it my mission to show love to the ones you show hate to. I will not let your demeanor become a reflection of me.

A concerned citizen,


Susan "Don't Screw This Up" B.

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