
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Rainbows, Westerns And Clouds

I made my move to Utah for the summer. It was a long drive but I finally arrived in SLC. I began my internship with KSL and I LOVE it! Basically, I tweet, Facebook and Instagram the news the whole time. I've been working out at my sis-in-laws gym and got a receptionist job there.
 It rained a little which did not make me happy since I was looking forward to a sun shiny summer. But there was a bright beautiful rainbow to enjoy!

 On my lunch breaks I like to eat outside. I sometimes go to the Gateway mall and shake my head at the mothers who let their kids run around in bathing suits. It seems like a breading ground for pedophiles if you ask me.
 That's where I work.
 A and J and I went to a "western" birthday party for one of J co-workers,
 One of my favorite places to eat is Rumbi! YUM, island food!
 Downtown SLC.
 I love the way the clouds look.
 So I took two more pictures of them.
Susan "ye-haw, a rainbow"B.

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