
Monday, September 10, 2012

Paris: Day One

Well, I'm back! I've been to Paris, California and now I'm in London. Paris was B-E-A-UTIFUL! It wasn't at all what I was expecting. I was told Paris was dirty and it was in some places. Also, it smelled weird. The french do not believe in deodorant. But, for the most part, the city was really pretty. Well, have a look for yourself:
 Outside the train station.
 Also, the train station.
 Around the city:

 Inside the square where the Louvre is.
 The Louvre.
 Side note about the picture above: I'm not sure why Randi is pouting. It was a beautiful day in Paris and we had just arrived at the Louvre and were about to go inside. However, on our third and final day of being in Paris and having a blast, the phone that Randi is hold was pick-pocketed right out of her pocket by gypsies. It was a terrible violation that stained our trip. 
I just remembered, she was pouting because her phone was not focusing or taking her picture like she wanted it to.

 The Mona Lisa. 
A lot smaller than I expected it to be.

 Four REALLY tall male statues, looking at their wieners.

 OMG. This caramel macaroon was so delicious! We will always have Paris. 

 I got a lot of pictures of the Eiffel Tower. Here is the first one.

 When I was about here, I thought, "shouldn't it be bigger?"

 We are now looking at Paris from the lower deck of the Eiffel Tower.

 We went up at the perfect time. Just as the sun was low in the sky.

 And then we got to see the sun set on the city.

 And they lit up the tower.
 Ah! I love the picture above. It was so beautiful!
Every hour on the hour, the lights on the tower twinkle.
 Remember how I though it wasn't that big? Well we took the lift to the top and 1/2 up I was thinking: "OK, that's far enough! Too high! Too high!" I am a little scared of heights but it's something that I'm trying to get over. Like in the picture above. I was at the TOP of the Eiffel Tower, knees knocking together, body all tense. But I stood there and smiled through that picture like a champ!
After we got down, we watched the 11:00 twinkling on the grass with a bunch of other people. Most of them had wine and cheese and grapes to snack on and we all cheered as the tower lit up and sparkled. Unforgettable.

Susan "c'est la vie" B.

1 comment:

Leanna said...

So so beatiful! I love your pictures and comments! How fun to travel with randi too!