
Friday, October 21, 2011

Easter in October

Whew! I made it through mid-terms and I only cried once. Now I can commence my England adventures. First though, I am going to Poland on my Fall Break. I will be there for 7 days and when I get back I will have a load of good stuff to post. In celebration of finishing mid terms, I treated myself to a mani/pedi.
Here is a little Susan 101: I love Cadbury Creme Eggs. They are my absolute favorite candy on earth. At the begininning of the year, just after Valentines Day I start to look for them in the grocery stores. I buy a few each time I go to the store and stock up while they are on sale. This year, I ate Cadbury Eggs right through the month of May. It's probably a good thing they only sell them once a year. Except this year, I was shopping for travel shampoo and while I was standing in line to pay, something caught my attention out of the corner of my eye. Cadbury SCREME Eggs. OMG. I was so stoked! I filled my basket with 10 of them! Normally when something this amazing happens I rush and tell every friend I come in contact with. Not in this situation though. The thing is, I'm not sharing. If others found out I had these sacred eggs and asked for one, I would be inclined to tell them no. Selfish, I know. What really sucks is I found them at the end of October. Had I know they were in stores, I would started stocking up at the begining of the month.

Susan 'thank you, Easter Bunny' B.


Jamie said...

I LOVE them too! Can't wait to read about Poland!

Kaylene said...

Can I have one?