
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Happy Birthday Big Bro!

Today is Eric's birthday. So of course I've got a big birthday shout out across the pond and the continental US. I wish I could be there in person to say 'happy birthday' and give you a big birthday hug, and of course eat your birthday cake. You are a wonderful brother and role model, I hope you have a great birthday. If I could get you something, it would be Michael Jackson singing you a song that I composed with him. But I didn't. I did however, buy you Simpson shaped pasta which I will put in the mail as soon as I can afford to send it.
Make a wish!
Susan "you look like a monkey and you smell like one too" B.

1 comment:

Eric Bergreen said...

Thanks, Susan. It's not the same here without you. And I do have to agree with you about the whole role model thing. I mean it's so blatantly obvious from that first picture that children should be encouraged, no, forced to follow in my footsteps for the betterment of the human race. Thanks again. Peace out. Eric it's your birthday...happy birthday Eric...