
Thursday, November 10, 2011

Poland Shopping Aftermath

Everything in Poland is 3x cheaper than the U.S. and 4x cheaper than England, so I bought what I could for the money that I brought. I thought I would buy more for others, but I didn't. This first item up for grabs I bought thinking I would give it as a gift, but I kinda like it. I don't know what I would do with it though.

Gosh, what a lovely book.
What is it about?
It's really a box! Whuuut?!

Amber is all over the place, I bought myself a pinkie ring and this really pretty necklace (minus the chain). I'm hoping to find a chain to put it on, maybe something antique. My birthday is coming up (hint, hint). Actually, the necklace is my second favorite purchase.

My first favorite purchase is the Nativity on the right. I LOVE LOVE LOVE it! I also got two new Christmas tree ornaments.

Rick Steve's (he writes travel books) said I should try this chocolate while in Warsaw. He was right. Very yummy! The container on the right is chocolate that you melt to make hot chocolate. We tried it last weekend, YUM!

While at Schindler's Museum, I bought these two books.

I got this purse.

Alice, Shahida and I went out for Guy Fawkes Night.

I went and had my hair trimmed in Kensington (yup, where Wills and Kate are residing) and on my walk to the salon, I found and Esprit store! I used to be Queen of Esprit in high school, so on my way back to the station, I stopped in and had an impromptu photo shoot in the dressing room.

I bought this shirt.

Don't mind my chipped nails.

Susan "shop till you drop" B.


Lori Ryan said...

I love your hair!! :)

Camille said...

Wait it's almost your birthday. Hmmm, I would have never known. And can I just say you look FOXY!! So jealous of your trip but so happy for you.