
Monday, August 12, 2013

High School Reunion

Many moons ago when I was in high school, I became pretty good friends with Nicole. I can remember in my junior and senior year being early to school and Nikki was there and would give me a bone-crushing-squeeze-the-air-out-of-my-lungs morning hug. We were never best friends but we close enough that over the years I've missed having her in my life. 
 In fact, I showed up to our high school reunion in hopes that Nicole would be there. Sadly she was not. So before my journey home from SLC, I contacted Nicole and told her I was driving through Vegas and did she want to meet up at a Starbucks. Luck for me her and her cute family had some time to meet! I was so glad she brought her wife and baby. They are just the sweetest family and Nikki seems so happy. Her wife is sweet, friendly and kind and her little girl is SUPER cute! What a great baby. She let me hold her and was all smiles. It was the highlight of my drive home.
Susan "friends 4 eva" B.

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