
Sunday, October 6, 2019

Many A Necklace Becomes A Noose

Today's topic is a flashback to my childhood. Share a scary Halloween Memory. Back in the day when my world was one block wide, my best friend lived up and across the street from me. Not far, three houses up so at a young age I was trusted to walk up to her house alone.

It was the month of October, early, and Halloween decorations were sprinkled throughout the neighborhood. One evening I confidently left the warmth and comfort of my home and headed up the street after I had crossed it to my besties house. I looked both ways for cars before crossing and pulled my sweater closed to protect myself against the chill in the air. I made it to my best friend's neighbor's house. The house just before hers. I got mid-way through their front yard when I just happened to look up. That's when I stopped, frozen. The inhabitants of the home has tied a noose and hung what looked like a VERY real man from the tree in their front yard. I was terrified. My little heart caught in my chest and then rapidly beat. I stared at the hanging body trying to decide if it was real or decoration OR a real person waiting to descend and scare unsuspecting passersby.

I don't know how long I stood there. I didn't know what to do. I was positive they were going to jump down at me and I knew I wouldn't be able to handle that. I didn't know what to do. Finally, some unforeseen force took over and I ran. I ran as fast as my little legs would run and I didn't look back.

It was a traumatizing event. I CANNOT look at bodies hanging. Let me explain. I enjoy watching The Handmaids Tale, however, I have to look away from the t.v. if it shows actors portraying a person that has been hung. I feel agitated looking at pictures of people hanging like on the cover of books even if it's just an illustration. Seeing that type of image makes me uncomfortable and slightly sick.

So there it is. A very scary Halloween moment for a very little Susan that has haunted me clear into adulthood.

Susan "Hang in there, Baby" B.

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