
Friday, September 30, 2011

Happy Anniversary!

Today is September 30th. I arrived in London on August 30th. I have been living here a whole month! Everyday when I'm out, I look around and think, 'Wow. I get to live here?' Awesome. I have seen and learned so much in the past 30/31 days. My original plan to celebrate was a Rock 'N' Roll London walk. It's a tour. But, I ended up on the wrong train (not my fault) and didn't make it in time. *tear* I was really upset. I had my heart set on that tour. Don't fret! I will walk the tour next Friday (they only do this tour on Friday's). So, instead I got off at Picadilly Circus (they aren't kidding) and walked and got lost and saw things I didn't know I wanted to see. I mostly shopped. I headed down Regent Street. It is lined with stores. This shopping area is so 'posh' it makes Fashion Island look like The Mall of Orange. I ended up in SoHo, (twice) which was fine, because I wanted to see that area. Then, I hoped on the underground and headed to Harrods! I have been anxious to go there. Mainly because that is where my brother, Jason, worked when he lived here. Also, it is the gnarliest store EVER! Harrods is so posh, it makes Bloomingdale's, look like JC Penny.

Ooooohhhh! Aaahhhh!
They have a pet department. It had a pet spa and a pet bakery and pet beds that even I couldn't afford to sleep in. I loved this pet pillow/bed. Sniffany & Co. Haha!

At 4:30, (16:30) I had tea at an Italian cafe. When in Rome...err, London.

What child doesn't want to play with Wills and Kate Barbie Dolls?

This is actually down the street from Harrods, but I thought it was a cool window display.

There is a Christmas department, where I spent most of my time, after I left, it looked like my hands went through a glitter bath. I make it a point to buy a Christmas tree ornament when I visit someplace. So, her is my I heart London ornament. I also bought a nativity set.
Here is a closer look. It's one that fits inside of each other. I know there is a name for it, but I can't remember it. Fun though, right?

The sales guy convinced me to get a Harrods rewards card. If you stare at this picture too long, I start to look SUPER creepy.

Here are my two favorite London friends! Notice the sun. It's been out for the past 2 days!

Some fun facts about Harrods:

Harrods covers 4.5 acres, and boast over 1 million square feet of selling space.

On a busy day, over 100,000 people visit the store.

It takes over 12,000 light bulbs to illuminate the famous facade of the store.

Famous English playwright Noel Coward once bought an alligator for Christmas at the Harrods Pet Shop.

On Wednesday the 16 of November 1898, Harrods debuted England's first "moving staircase" (aka: escalator)

Harrods was established in 1834 in London's East End as a tea merchant and grocery store.

Author A.A. Milne found the original Winnie-the-Pooh for his son Christopher Robin in the Toy Department.

Harrods once hired a live Egyptian Cobra to guard a £62,000 pair of haute couture ruby-sapphire and diamond encrusted sandals.

A baby elephant named Gertie was bought at Harrods as a present for Ronald Reagan.

Susan "I tried to buy an elephant, but the guy in front of me got the last one" B.


ME said...

Love your blog Susan! So exciting to read your London adventures.

Susan Bergreen said...

Hey Devon! I'm so glad you are reading my blog! I love it when I get comments on my posts. I didn't realize you have a blog too! If I can figure out how to add you to my blog list, I'm gonna. I'm not very blog savvy. xoxo

Unknown said...

{Sigh} I wanna come visit you some day... I love all your London trivia. I've been reading a LOT of Jane Austen & Emily Bronte so England has been on my mind. :) SOme day. :)