
Sunday, January 1, 2017

30 Day Open Letter Challenge - Day 1

I feel as though I have failed this blog by practically abandoning it in 2016. I mentioned before that I was in a dark place. I'm going to attempt to pull myself into a lighter state of mind. I feel it's important that my blog have some sort of "theme". My whole objective was to share my adventures while I lived abroad. Keeping with my original theme, I want to continue to go on and share my travel and life adventures. But, I also want a place to record my thoughts and bare my soul from time to time. So this month I'm going to experiment with a challenge. Not only will I share my adventures but I'm going to participate in a 30 day challenge that I found on Pinterest. It is call 30 Day Open Letter Challenge.

I love letters. I love hand written letters especially but we live in the day and age of electronics so I will oblige.

Day 1 - A Letter To Your Significant Other (Or Future Significant Other)

Dear FSO,

I've been thinking about you. I often wonder if I already know you or if we will meet in a unexpected manner. I also wonder if we will be that couple that says, "I didn't like him/her at first, but…".

Let me catch you up to speed. I have been searching mercilessly for you for the greater part of my adult life. I often times become really frustrated and discouraged because we are not together yet. Do you ever feel that way?

Up to this point of my life I have been trying new things, learning to cook, kick box, dance, be patient, take good photographs, wrap a present that could impress Martha Stewart, paint, sew, pick winning NFL teams, bench press, play racquetball, weld, tie a cherry stem in my mouth and other things that I think will contribute to us having a fun and adventurous relationship.

It has been a long time since someone has loved me. At this point, I can't imagine anyone loving me. I find fault in myself multiple times a day and pass them off as reasons why I'm not loved. Forgive me if I'm shocked at your interest in me. Please be patient with me as I acclimate myself to someone giving me attention and caring about me.

I want to love you with reckless abandon. I heard that phrase, reckless abandon. I'm still trying to figure out what it means to me, but I promise, when we are together, I will love you with reckless abandon.


Your FSO

Susan "A Jane Of All Trades" B.


Magdalene said...

I know it's not the kind of love you're thinkin' of, but I love you! Every day!

I'm also a big fan of written correspondence– want to be pen pals!? :D

DWong said...

I love your honesty and humor!

Susan Bergreen said...

Maggie- You know I love you! Thank you! Yes, lets be pen-pals!
Diana- Thank you! xo