
Monday, January 16, 2017

Mi Loca Familia

A letter to my family as a whole,

Dear Dad, Mom, Jason, Abby, Eric, Christa, Maddi, Lily, Eric, Lizzie, and July,

I love you guys. I don't know if I tell you that enough, but I 100% do. Do you ever hear people say, "I love my family!" or "I have the best family!". When I hear someone say this I usually think, "Do you?". Then you haven't met my family. Cause if you had, you would realize that I have the best family.

How much fun do we have? Huh? LOADS! I love our family time. We always do something fun. We always laugh and joke and act silly. I enjoy that our beliefs differ sightly but never cause contention, judgment or arguments.

Thank you. For supporting me, for feeding me, for always having a place for me to rest my head. Thank you for letting me spoil your children and attempt to be the best aunt this world has ever seen. Thank you for making me feel a part of your individual families. It has been my honor.

I'm so glad we don't argue. You don't know how much I love that we aren't the type of family that stops speaking to each other. How sad would that be? Awful.

I love you all. With ever fiber of my being.


Susan "Families Are Forever" B.

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