
Thursday, January 12, 2017

Will There Be Cake?

My last two letters have been kinda heavy so it's time for one a little lighter. It's another letter where I choose who to write to. In this case, what to write to.

Dear Cake,

We've come a long way, baby! I don't remember the first time I fell in love with you, however, I was always that kid at the party who didn't care about the games or the gifts. I was the one who asked more than once, "Can we cut the cake now?".

Did you know there are people in this world that don't like cake? The humanity! I often coil at confessions such as, "I don't really like frosting" or "I'm more of a cookie/brownie/insert other inferior dessert here, kind of person". After the shock and amazement subside, I actually feel a little sad for those people…and for cake.

I have an unnecessary fear. So, in high school I knew this girl who got pregnant and one day she told me that she couldn't eat Miguel Jr.'s anymore because it made her sick. Don't even get me started on that. So then I started to fear that when the day came that I was pregnant the same type of fate would befallen me. Only my worst fear would be that for 40-ish weeks, I wouldn't be able to eat cake because the demon child inside of me would make me sick. Perish the thought!

I LOVE CAKE! I'm not talking about that emotion that one feels when they say, "I love puppies", or "I love the snow". No, when I say, I love cake, I mean I love cake the way I love oxygen or the way fire loves dry brush. I love cake MORE that Kanye West loves Kanye West.

You've never let me down. But, you know who has? Those people that invite me to their parties and then serve me tarts or parfait. I'm always up for a party, but you better believe that when I walk through the door I look for the guest of honor and I look to see that there is cake. If there isn't, I might as well have stayed home.

I have had my share of cakes I do not like. I'm looking at you Carrot Cake. But, I figure in order to really appreciate the good cake I have to experience some bad cake.

See ya at the next party!

Susan "I'll Have The Corner Piece" B.

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