
Wednesday, January 25, 2017

I'm Driving, Here I Sit

A letter to someone who pisses you off on a regular basis.

Up to this point, I've really tried hard to make these letters upbeat and positive. This letter is a little more difficult. While I do have people in my life that irritate me regularly, I'm not going to write about them. Mainly because I want to keep my job. Also, I recognize that I shouldn't give anyone the power to bring me down or to get under my skin. I try really hard to feel the anger, recognize why I feel it and then move on from it.

I wanted to blow this letter off, but I never back down from a challenge so I'm going to muster up some energy and write to something that pisses me off daily.

Dear traffic,

You are the absolute worst! You know how we all slow down just before Limonite so everyone can read that marquee? Pointless. Absolutely unnecessary. You can read and still go 65 mph. And I know that fog can be a little disconcerting, but we don't live in the bay area. It's not that thick. Just keep going.

So, I learned in traffic school that you should keep at least one car distance from the car in front of you. I stick to that rule. So, please don't mistake that little bit of room as an invitation for you to cut me off just so you can swerve back in the lane you came from after cutting off a smart car. And to the guy that wants to tail me because you think it will make me go faster. I can only go as fast as the guy in front of me. I have no other option.

When I see your blinker on and slow a little and give you some room to move over in my line, would it kill you to give a little wave? I mean I have places to be to and I'm just trying to make it easy for everyone to go where they need to be.

I have to give a shout out to the motorcycle riders. First of all, you terrify me. Really. But when I pull my car to the left a little to give you room, 85% of you give me a little wave. It's nice. Thank you. Also, one morning I hung back so a semi could move in front of me. Once he was over, her tapped his breaks twice. I knew that meant thank you, and it actually put a smile on my face. See how a little courtesy can go a long way.

Alright, we have another early morning tomorrow so lets all take our time and show a little kindness.


Susan "Avoiding Potholes" B,

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